by Geraldine Spurway | May 4, 2023 | Uncategorized
3 things you DON’T need to do to build a sustainable business. You don’t need to become : -> the next LInkdin Ghostwriter -> the next LInkdin chat GPT Master -> the next LInkdin Corporate Trainer All you need to do, is to DO YOU. ⚡️Your story. ⚡️Your...
by Geraldine Spurway | May 2, 2023 | Uncategorized
5 of the most painful lessons I learnt in my 30s’ That turned out to be the most helpful. Here is what I stopped doing: 1️⃣ Seeking support from people who were constantly unable to show up for me. 2️⃣ Trying to get validation from people committed to not understand...
by Geraldine Spurway | Apr 28, 2023 | Uncategorized
One single message can change the trajectory of your life. Picture this ☕️ Yesterday afternoon. At my desk, drafting a new contract. An unexpected voice note. We met 5 months ago. He stood out from the crowd like a shining star in the sky ✨ His comments, thought...
by Geraldine Spurway | Apr 27, 2023 | Uncategorized
I love you, but I love myself more. The one thing that changed my life: Putting my relationship with myself first. The spiritual Guru, the mindset coach… They all lied to us. To be a happier version of yourself, you don’t need: – To wake up at 5 am – A...
by Geraldine Spurway | Feb 23, 2023 | Uncategorized
This might shock you but there is something powerful in being vulnerable. Taking a few days alone, away from London. Already my nervous system is easing… and in peace. The past few month have been hard and not everything in life is LInkdinable. One thing I learnt, is...
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