Is there something that you have always wanted to do, but every time you start it seems that something gets in the way?
Do you always start your Monday’s with lots of motivation and momentum, but find yourself stuck halfway through?
Do you ever wonder why you tend to start things but find it so hard to finish them?
Then I may have one of the answers for you. Let me introduce you to Mrs Fear. Mrs Fears acts as our best friend, with only “good intentions” in mind: keeping us safe. Fear of judgment, fear of failure, fear of not being good enough, fear of unknown. She wants to protect us! But let me give you one tip. Thank her for looking after you and say goodbye . And get a new best friend. Mrs Action. Mrs Action will bring you so much joy, increase your self-esteem, boost your confidence, in a way you never thought was possible!
So remember that thing you have always wanted to do? Just start today, with NO expectation, and don’t worry about the outcome.
And have fun along the way!
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