Writing from the bottom of my bed.

Feeling like 80 years old.

Not sure how I managed to go through the day.

I have been a Mum.

A Wife (a pretty bad one, condolences to hubby..)

A Teacher ( BIG UP to all the teachers in the all Wild World !)

A Cleaner ( I have never seen so many breadcrumbs in my life…)

A Cook ( We baked…another cake..this quarantine is F*..dangerous for the waistline)

A PE ( Because 900,000 other kids did Jo Wicks at 9am so we too HAD to do the Kangaroo !)🏋️‍♀️

A Coach ( Yes, because this is what I do in REAL life, I help people master their message, and make more money)

So how did I go through this?

I followed my morning routine.

I went for a run.

And then I sticked to 5 rules:

I dressed like a BOSS – NO yoga pants today

I only checked my emails twice, at 10.30am and at 2pm

I left my laptop in my office – my working area

I focused and only answered calls work related

I had plenty of mini breaks!

And a glass of wine to celebrate!

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